HP Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs (HP LIFE) is a global program that trains students, entrepreneurs, and small business owners like you to apply IT and business skills, so you can
establish and grow a business, build successful companies and create jobs.
The training course is innovative and interactive. It is based on a modular concept that links common business challenges and technology solutions. Make the most of your opportunities and achieve your vision for a successful business.
Like our page on www.facebook.com/edchplife and get the latest news on the training schedule.... You Are Next on the Beneficiary List.
The training course is innovative and interactive. It is based on a modular concept that links common business challenges and technology solutions. Make the most of your opportunities and achieve your vision for a successful business.
Like our page on www.facebook.com/edchplife and get the latest news on the training schedule.... You Are Next on the Beneficiary List.